This is what I wore on Wednesday of last week for my IS oral examination. This is the first time I have had an opportunity to wear a suite at school all year so I figured I would share it on the blog. In general, I do not really wear dress clothes that often. I like wearing them but I rarely have more than a few opportunities throughout the year to put on clothes like this (although this will probably have changed by next year).
This suite my parents got me this year for Christmas so I have something to wear for interviews. It is tailored and slim fit charcoal grey. I figured the black and gold Wooster tie would be a good choice for my orals. The belt I am wearing, my grandparents also got me for Christmas. The shoes I bought when I got my tux so I have had these for a few years. I am happy with the charcoal grey over a simpler black for a suite. It adds a little bit more personality to a genre of clothing that can be a little bit overly consistent.